Unpacking the Topic of Food Shortages

“Real food shortages will strike the U.S.” – President Biden

This week on Food First Michigan, Dr. Phil Knight and Gerry Brisson, president and CEO of Gleaners Community Food Bank unpack the hot topic of food shortages with their experience of talking to leaders of retail grocery store chains and leaders of the agricultural industry in Michigan. Tune in for the engaging discussion Sunday at 9:00 p.m. on WJR Radio or NewsTalk 760 AM!

Recently President Biden shared a message about food and the supply chain, “food shortages will be real.” This powerful statement brings a ton of questions such as food shortages for who, where and how long? If it is happening, why?

Senate Bill No. 885 is being proposed by the Senate agricultural committee. This bill will help address the food shortages we are dealing with and ensures the Food Bank Network will help safely run the distribution of food. The bill supports farmers, transporters and producers.

Life is more than a headline, the size of a tweet or even a blurb from a President speech. You have to dig and when it comes to understanding the issues, challenges, impact and solutions around food insecurity, we are committed to do the digging that unearths the truth for you and with you. We understand the value of food, the severity of not having enough and both the consequences and blessing enough food brings with it.

Find this episode and all past Food First Michigan episodes at foodfirstmi.org, on Apple Podcasts or iHeartRadio.


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