Strategic Framework with Julie Yurko

Strategic Framework

Julie Yurko is the CEO of the N Illinois Food Bank - she is an inspiring leader, influencer and molder of consensus among a national audience of her peers. Julie is the leading efforts to bring the massive efforts of America’s food banks into greater alignment of efforts to have more and better lasting impact.

Feeding America is a the national’s largest charity, and the US’s largest response to hunger within our 50 states and PR. We have 200 food banks, 22 state associations, 10’s of thousands of agency partners that together create a network so far reaching that collectively we serve every county in America. Every county!

Rather than being a loosely confederated organization, where each is doing their own thing their own way, we are taking our independence and choosing to create an interdependent strategic framework that helps focus our efforts to address hunger in America. This is a difficult challenge but one being handled with grace, focused intentionality but one that isn’t too prescriptive to all of us who make up the FA network.

The result we believe will be greater alignment, rooted in core values of placing families facing hunger at the center of our decision making and the result being a national effort to address the daily needs of people facing hunger while addressing the conditions that hold hunger in place in their lives.

Feeding America’s Strategic Framework, what it means for families facing hunger in Michigan and our extraordinary guest, Julie Yorko is next on this exciting edition of FFM.


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