Boundless Collaboration

“A page of history is worth a pound of logic.” – Oliver Holmes

A generation ago, food banking was not what it is today. Change management is hard, but necessary. This weekend on Food First Michigan Dr. Dawn Opel, general counsel and director of research & strategic initiatives at the Food Bank Council of Michigan, joins Dr. Phil Knight and Gerry Brisson, president and CEO of Gleaners Community Food Bank, to discuss who and what we CAN become in the pursuit of a food secure Michigan. Our future is bright, bold, and BOUNDLESS!

Tune in for Food First Michigan this Sunday at 12:00 AM or 9:00 PM on WJR Radio or NewsTalk 760 AM.

Dr. Opel is the driving force behind the impactful program, Boundless Collaborations. Boundless collaborations are collaborative ventures between two or more food banks that transcend historical service area boundaries to catalyze transformative opportunities. They cross boundaries, but also represent something greater – the belief in the boundless potential of working together. The Food Bank Council of Michigan is working with Gleaners Community Food Bank, the South MI Food Bank, and Food Gatherers to create a model of home delivered meals for senior citizens facing food insecurity.

Additionally, FBCM is working with the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) Aging &Adult Services Agency, to identify the need and how to address it statewide. The goal is to create a program complimentary to SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) and Social Security… One of the biggest problems we face is “the last mile efforts.” We have the food and while mobile distributions help provide access, there is still a gap for the senior population that we aim to address.

We are full of HOPE!

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