The Challenges are Big, but the Opportunities Bigger

For the past two years we’ve been living in unprecedented times. There is no return to ‘normal’ – we must learn and adjust continuously. One thing that has not changed is the vital role employment plays to help people overcome food insecurity. The biggest and best tool in the anti-hunger toolbox is employment that pays a livable wage.

Tune in to Food First Michigan this Sunday at 9 p.m. on WJR Radio to hear Dr. Phil Knight, Gerry Brisson, president and CEO of Gleaners Community Food Bank, and Brian Calley, the president and CEO at SBAM. Brian says it best, ‘that the challenges are big, but the opportunities and the possibilities are even BIGGER!’ Brian discusses what is happening with employment and how it affects small businesses in Michigan. The ebb and flow of business directly correlates with the ebb and flow of our work in food security.

Over the last two years, thousands of people have started a small business. While the small business world is diverse and complicated world – this is very exciting for our future!

SBAM and FBCM align with striving to help families earn, get ahead, build wealth, and become self-sufficient. We choose to invest in the potential of people and we do so because we believe they are worthy of the investment.

Find this episode and all past Food First Michigan episodes at, on Apple Podcasts or iHeartRadio.


Food As a Powerful Force of Good


Another Perfect Storm